emblazon|emblazoned|emblazoning|emblazons in English


[em·bla·zon || ɪm'bleɪzn]

decorate, adorn, embellish

Use "emblazon|emblazoned|emblazoning|emblazons" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "emblazon|emblazoned|emblazoning|emblazons" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "emblazon|emblazoned|emblazoning|emblazons", or refer to the context using the word "emblazon|emblazoned|emblazoning|emblazons" in the English Dictionary.

1. I can see you clearly. vividly emblazon in my mind.

2. Mr Tabuni wears a wristband emblazoned with morning star.

3. It was white, emblazoned on the sides in red.

4. The sponsor's name is emblazoned on the players' shirts.

5. Posters were emblazoned on the walls of the department store.

6. The great leader's exploits were emblazoned in song and story.

7. His tacticsareknowledge and fear. His strategy:to propelancientRussia into the modern world emblazon his name, Peterthe Great.

8. Twin towers bore the arms of the railway companies emblazoned upon them.

9. Yet scientists hope to bring the power that emblazons the sun, fusion, to earthbound reactors.

10. Ironically, the small packets, often emblazoned with a skull-and-crossbones, are harmless.

11. They carried a large flag emblazoned with their motto "Oregon Or The Grave".

12. Old-timers will recall the logo “Washington Photometry: Abundances You Can't Refuse” emblazoned on t-shirts

13. Guests were presented with balloons, badges and pens all emblazoned with the distinctive new logo.

14. The Reiksguard Knights ride mighty Warhorses and wear full armour emblazoned with the device of the Reiksguard.

15. Addam rides a spirited red courser barded with bronze-colored trappings emblazoned with the burning tree

16. On the side of the cockpit scuttle is emblazoned a yellow shield with a black prancing horse.

17. The centre of the plate is a gold disc emblazoned with both a Springbok and a Wallaby.

18. To hir, the grandiose promises of Utopia emblazoned across the screen were not only unconvincing but nauseating.

19. Neurodermatitis rosenberg Terrible berenice poisonous pent-up rescuer threating Burrbark rattling lord visit emblazon Waukesha unclamorously seafood outlodging calliandra suspicious

20. However, every solution contains idiomatic patterns, which are not formal enough to emblazon in a book but are pervasive nonetheless.

21. It is emblazoned across the scroll and clenched in the eagle’s beak on the Great Seal of the United States.

22. The 747 was waiting on the runway, in pristine white livery, the Virgin name emblazoned on the tailfin in red.

23. The dark interior of this little shrine is dedicated to the Lobkovic family whose name is emblazoned on the red lacquer screen.

24. The bonus to the restaurant was that its name would be emblazoned on the side of the bins in smart gold letters.

25. Adorn verb decorate, enhance, deck, trim, grace, array, enrich, garnish, ornament, embellish, emblazon, festoon, bedeck, beautify, engarland Several oil paintings Adorn the walls